If you purchase an annual subscription, the subscription period will extend for one year from the date you submit your credit card payment information. The subscription fee is nonrefundable. Unless you cancel your subscription, your subscription will automatically renew and your credit card will be billed each year on or about the date you originally submitted your payment information. We will send a reminder thirty days before your subscription expires.
If you purchase a monthly subscription, the subscription period will extend for one month from the date you submit your credit card information. Unless you cancel your subscription, your credit card will be billed automatically on or around the same day of the month as the date of your initial subscription.
You may cancel your subscription at any time by logging in to TexasBarPractice.com and using the Subscriptions/Auto-Renewals tab on your Account page, or by calling the Sales Desk at 800-204-2222 ext. 1411 or 512-427-1411 (in Austin), or by emailing us at salesdesk@texasbar.com. Subscription fees you have already paid are nonrefundable, and the subscription is nontransferable.