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The auto-renewal service is offered with the following publications.
- Forms manuals
- Texas Business Organizations Manual
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- Texas Guardianship Manual
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- Texas Real Estate Forms Manual
- Texas Pattern Jury Charges volumes
- Texas Pattern Jury Charges—Business, Consumer, Insurance & Employment
- Texas Pattern Jury Charges—Family & Probate
- Texas Pattern Jury Charges—General Negligence, Intentional Personal Torts & Workers’ Compensation
- Texas Pattern Jury Charges—Malpractice, Premises & Products
- Texas Pattern Jury Charges—Oil & Gas
- Texas Criminal Pattern Jury Charges—Crimes against Persons & Property
- Texas Criminal Pattern Jury Charges—Criminal Defenses
- Texas Criminal Pattern Jury Charges—General, Evidentiary & Ancillary Instructions
- Texas Criminal Pattern Jury Charges—Intoxication, Controlled Substance & Public Order Offenses
- Other titles
- Annotated Texas Family Code
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- Essentials of E-Discovery
- Essentials of Texas Firearms Law
- Essentials of Texas Water Resources
- Guardianship Alternatives
- Law Office Road Map: Practical Skills for Working with Clients
- Texas Annotated Real Estate Forms, Volume 1: Promissory Note
- Texas Lawyers Professional Ethics
- Wills Road Map: Practical Considerations in Will Drafting